Developing Values, Mission, & Vision for Christian Ministries

developing values mission vision for christian ministries

A graphic of many inter-mixed black arrows pointing left and right, with one red arrow pointing straight up. Used with permission.

Here are a few considerations for developing the three major strategic statements I’ve previously described (values, mission, vision) and some suggestions for how you can discern them in a God-honouring way that is faithful to your Christian identity.


Corporate values should be assessed on two levels. First there are the biblical values that should be present in every Christian ministry and then there are the other values held by the people called to serve together in one particular ministry.

As an example of biblical values that might apply to your ministry, in The Church At Work I developed four biblical values related to relationships between ministries (the book’s subject):

Also, over time, your staff and board gain more insight into the possibilities for what might be, and the vision could become more detailed or more expansive. A new or revised vision could cause a review of the mission, and the mission might be redefined, tightened up, or expanded to better fit the vision. So don’t change your strategic statements every year, but do be willing to change them as circumstances warrant.