Big Data & You: A Guide to Data Analytics in the Health Insurance Industry

Achieving High Performing Customer Experience in Insurance & Healthcare

Leverage connected technology to enhance insurance and healthcare customer service

Data has always been the cornerstone of the health insurance industry. In the days before the term “big data” was coined — or even before data as we currently know it existed — health insurance companies depended on mathematical models to predict outcomes and on information collected during health plan member onboarding to inform customer interactions. Data is still central, but much has changed in terms of the sheer volume of information, and how it is collected and analyzed.

Which leads us to big data and health insurance analytics. With advanced technology and such a massive volume of data at their disposal, health insurers would be crazy not to use big data analytics to their advantage — especially when it’s the key to solving one of the health insurance industry’s biggest challenges. The reality is that health insurance companies are no longer able to compete on the strength of their health plans alone; today’s customer expects total transparency and an exceptional experience at every stage of the member lifecycle. Based on this shift in the market, health insurers need provide more insightful recommendations to members based on their personal data so they can make better decisions regarding their coverage and overall health.

Health Insurance Data Analytics Trends

To maintain their edge in an increasingly competitive landscape, health insurers need to stay on top of the latest data analytics trends in the insurance industry.

Discover the Benefits of Health Insurance Data Analytics

Big data offers an untold number of benefits to health insurance companies willing to make the investment in data analytics technology: