Excavation Work Method Statement and Procedure

The Excavation is the mechanism of establishing space utilizing removing Earth and that Earth could be soil or rock to construct any structure. Various approaches are available to accomplish excavation. In all process, excavation safety has an essential and decisive execution. Some suitable and prominent approaches of excavation are:

  1. The open excavations structure.
  2. Thrust Boring
  3. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
  4. The Micro tunneling structure for Pipe Jacking
  5. The Pile foundations and diaphragm walls type
  6. The Vibro Stone Columns (VSC)
  7. Raise Boring Approach Type
  8. Tunneling

The Open Excavation

The open excavation is a surface excavation suited and useful up to 6.0 meter deep. On the other side, the trench excavation is also an open excavation type, but the depth eclipses the width of excavation. Open excavation is mainly utilized for Infrastructure, installing pipes and cables for utility services, test trenches or pits, borrow pits and road developments. Open excavation is considered to be one of the most hazardous construction operations. Among excavation related variety of dangerous occurrences, cave-ins pose the highest risk. A huge quantity of constructions fatal and critical accidents happened during the excavation. Therefore, it’s very essential to prepare a safe work method statement for carrying out any excavation work activity.

The Purpose of the Method Statement

Any open excavation that is deeper than 1.5 meter needs side stability by sloping, benching or shoring. This method statement elaborates the excavation safety requirements and safe work procedure for all open excavations categories. This method statement guides the workforce involved in this excavation work activity to:

Utilize other resources, means and techniques not referred to in this method statement to suit the project requirement. Always conduct the work or activity safely following the appropriate required standard. The sequence of excavation work activities is a repetitive process and many hazards are common to distinct worksites. Include with detail, any essential information specific to the project. Always adopt the approved excavation checklists before the start of the work.

This Method Statement Includes:

The scope of current Method Statement:

  1. Safe and secure work method and technique for conducting open excavation activity
  2. Substance, materials, equipment, and tools required to conduct the excavation work
  3. Applicable appropriate required standards throughout the execution of the excavation project

The standard for Execution Safety

Trenching and Excavation Safety (OSHA 2226-10R 2015)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Following are the recommended PPE for Excavation:

Procedures for Excavation

Three Main Methods to Protect Excavation Sides Are Following:

  1. Sloping the walls: Sloping of the walls for excavation preventive safety initiatives
  2. Bench Excavation: Benching technique for excavation safety
  3. Supported excavation: By shoring up the excavation walls with wood or metal supports

The Supported Excavation

Precautions for Safe Excavation

General Excavation Safety Hazards

Excavation Safety Checklists