Small Claims

Small Claims is a special court where disputes are resolved quickly and inexpensively. The rules are simple and informal.

Only cases for money for actual damages can be filed in Small Claims court.

For a helpful tutorial video regarding Small Claims court, click below.

Information on this page tells you about:

Small Claims Court Location

1130 O Street
Fresno, CA 93721-2220
Telephone: (559) 457-1900
Fax: (559) 457-1624
Hours:Monday-Thursday: 8AM - 3PM, Friday: 8AM-12PM Noon

For a map to the B.F. Sisk Courthouse location, click here.

Filing a Claim

A Small Claims case may be filed at any Fresno County Superior Court location if any of the following applies:

A filing fee must be paid for each claim that is filed. Those who believe they are unable to pay the filing fee may request a fee waiver.

Click here to access Fresno Superior Court Fee Schedules.

You need to:

Notice to Defendant

A copy of the Plaintiff's Claim and Order to Defendant must be served on the defendant. Proper legal notice must be given to the person being sued. This is called service of process. The defendant may be served in three ways:

The person who served the form must complete a proof of service that states exactly when and where the defendant was served. Proof of service must be submitted to the court at least 5 days before the trial date.

Service on Defendant

You must serve every defendant you sue by one of the following methods:

If you want the court to serve the defendant(s) by certified mail, you will be charged $15.00 for each defendant to be served. You must contact the court two weeks prior to the hearing date to find out if the service was successful..

If you are unable to serve the defendant(s), you must reschedule the hearing date and attempt to have the defendant(s) served in one of the other ways listed above.

If you choose to have the defendant(s) personally served, you must file a properly completed Proof of Service form with the court at least 5 days before the hearing date.

Plaintiff's Claim and Order to Defendant

Defendant must appear at the time and place set for trial. A failure to appear may result in the entry of a default and judgment against defendant.

Defendant's Claim and Order to Plaintiff

Defendant may file a Defendant's Claim and Order to Plaintiff in the same Small Claims court before the date and time of hearing if it is believed that plaintiff owes defendant money as a result of the dispute. If a case against the plaintiff is filed the above rules and procedures apply.

Important Links

Preparation for Trial

Evidence of the claim or defense (any receipts, letters, invoices, canceled checks or photographs) should be brought to court. A Subpoena Duces Tecum may be requested to obtain evidence from a witness. This is a court order commanding a witness to bring certain documents or records to the hearing.

Each party to the case may serve subpoenas on witnesses who can give testimony to help with their case. The subpoena is a court order compelling the witnesses to appear and testify.

Interpreters for hearing impaired persons are provided. Litigants must notify the court in advance if sign-language interpreters are needed.

The plaintiff's case is presented first, followed by the defendant's case. All parties may call witnesses and present exhibits.

Failure to Appear at Trial

Either plaintiff or defendant can submit one written request to reschedule the hearing date. Requests must be made at least 10 days prior to the court date. Failure to appear at trial or make arrangements for postponement could result in dismissal of the case (if plaintiff fails to appear), or entry of default judgment (if defendant fails to appear.) There is a fee to reschedule the hearing date.

Appealing the Judgment

Only a defendant may file an appeal, however, if the defendant files a Defendant's Claim, the plaintiff may file an appeal as to that claim only. The appeal must be filed in the clerk's office within 30 days after the court's denial of the motion to vacate judgment was mailed. There is a filing free for an appeal.

Collection of Judgment

A judgment is good for 10 years. If payment is not received on the judgment in the time specified by the judge, there are many options available to collect. Forms for these actions are available in the clerk's office and must be filed with the court: